turns out that snowie have both Struvite and Calcium Oxalate crystals. It was an early stage. we've only found numerous of it. Struvite was found in the second test under scope.
This is the first report. the vet sent wrong information on AGE! Numerous Calcium oxalate crystals was found in this report. So i was so worry!~
the doctor suggest i put my dog on Royal Canin SO diet for 3 months until crystal clear i can put her back to her normal diet. SO is so expensive! Her alternative is Hills. I checked the ingredients on the internet. OMG! even if it did clear the crystals, my dog might end up obese! So i look for more alternative.
I checked out raw diet. For me its not cheap either. So i made a phone call to the vet and ask again. just one question. "does S/O permanently clear up the crystal? or will it be back?". Her answer is "yes it might be back" So i made my decision to put her on raw diet.
If you've notice my older post, you'll see i've fed a rescued dog (Clover) a raw diet before.
But again, Snowie is my favourite and is a precious to me. i did deeper research.
Recently i bring her for a urine test again. after 3 or 4 months raw. supplement with cranberry juice. A rescuer friend taught me to feed her that. but snowie's urine is abit more to acidic. i doubt about how cranberry juice will help my dog. i feed it anyway!~ 2ml a day.
check out the latest result. i was shocked! i said so loud to the vet " No casts or crystals seen"??????????? He looked at me with eyes wide open, and said "yes, basically the result is very well, for a 11 years old, this is very healthy". The only thing he wants me to find out is why is the urine so loose. with USG 1.025 only!
I was thinking maybe its because i added water in her meal. that's why its so diluted. i hope it's not a kidney problem.
So i've settled Crystals! i am still supplementing her with cranberry juice. but less. 1ml per day.
the happy owner!