
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year =('s new come i don't see anyone smiling??and my brother cried a little. it's quite a long story. my mom went jakarta few days ago and my brother went to some bhuddist society camp. which he have to serve those short term monk and so on...

both of them came back together. and POP!!!my bro said he's not eating meat anymore. he will tried to be a vege forever. and WOW!!my mom's furious. and she doesn't want to talk to my brother.

we;re suppose to have tepanyaki on 31st dec for countdown. my mom doesn't want to make it. and she refuse to cook as well. and my parents doesn't want to bring us to somewhere that are more merrier. ok mom keep saying STUPID STUPID STUPID. i thought it was bad. really. it is...

Being a vege is not a bad thing. really..and im kinda proud of my bro. but everyone's silent. my mom seems like ...err...some devil possessed her haha!!REALLY~~~~i think in her mind she even think that she regret to be a bhuddist or something. i don't know what's got into her. and im sad to see her like that.

i know what my mom do is for my brother's good. she want him to grow healthy. i don't know. more new year countdown. cause we have emo mother and brother at home..zz...and now im home alone..and i just ate chicken rice LoL...

i wonder why my dad didn't say anything...what is he thinking??does he agree with my mother or what??arrrrr...whatever...screw them both...since both of them come back from trip i have no peace..i mean..the family have to peace. and now my eldest sis is at johor. hopefully when she come back she won't bring trouble. =)

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