
Monday, April 23, 2012

Caesar Returned | 22 April 2012

So Caesar is back with us again. Grow much bigger now. you probably won't know who is this cutie. He's a puppy dumped in front of my friend's house. There's 7 of them. He's the one who stayed the longest with us. I've been fostering him. very lovely pup.

He WAS adopted. and i don't think you'd wanna know why is the reason he's returned. not something abusive. It's just adopter not ready to have a dog ( best way to describe ). My friends would know the real story behind this.

But Fuh~~ How relief is it to get him back. Of course next thing to worry is his starting to nip behavior. He's been moved from place to place. he's starting to lose trust on any human. the only way to save him is to take care of him and be patience.

Wish us luck!

Pei Yi

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