
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

what's it call - it's crazyness

Feeling myself getting abnormal again...i can't help but to tell my friends i'm sorry..

although no one will know...what happen..cause i don't even know myself..

i just feel the anger in me..i just turn into a monster and made myself doing stupid thing..

i don't feel fine..

i don't need advice..for people i really care..i already said..don't hate me..

let me walk thru this myself..

i thought that'd be my last message...

no it's not..

i tried my best to control what i'm doing..but it just won't stop..

after everything end with me exhausting..i still feel the anger..

i soomeone that never appear...

i'm trying to figure it out what happen...

is it from the stressness? or i'm already a crazy girl??

i wanted to badly..

the screensaver of "me" and snowie..i only recognize snowie..

after everything end..i'm dead tired..from tears and the streght i use..

unable to holld anything in my hand..

i came's just what i feel wanting to do...

i deleted many contacts in my phone...

i tried staying away from solid case i'd do it again and the sound will wake the family..

if you're reading this..i guess ur quite me..

odd things might happen to you one day..but i always say to my frens..

there's solution..just that the time hasn't come..or you're running away from it..

wish everyone well...and snowie, huilin, yoyo, you guys!!you guys are the one i hope that could forgive me..night!!


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