it is like a circle..good thing comes, then it goes away...i haven't been blogging for so long..look back, i have been busy for quite some time..since finishing short film, i never really have a break..for lazy people like me..i would LOVEEEEEEEE to have a "sem break".. sem break is a long one..2 weeks at least? i love that..but the fact is..NOPE! "you don't get a sem break"
this is what i know. things are changing isn't it? when you grow older and older, you need to cope with time. u need to run and try to reach the time, not the time come to you.
three weeks back, i have heart "disease" causing from the short film. then, went to penang to "heal" it..! yeah it actually works a little, since yoyo's house is the house of entertainment..haha thats what i call! besides that, we ate usual >.< but i think we didn't eat as much as when we're at KL.
two week back, the almighty
YOYO ROCK KL..sounds scary freaks esk! hahah..we did plan well this time. Esk, Lin write down what we gonna do and EAT..then lin, yoyo and i try to sort out when to go to a certain place while playing farm mania~~and yeh..i don't think we followed every single list.
if im not mistake, the plan was
Genting, Port Dickson, Nasi Kandar, Roti tissue, Steak, Picadilly, arab street, ah cheng laksa, wrapz, bubble tea, zanmai, a&w, ttdi jaya, mcd, cheras pasar malam, ikea meatball, red box, look out point, and "loh".
done everything on the list except for genting, picadilly, ttdi jaya, cheras pasar malam.
of course there are many most of the time when we go somewhere further, we lost..and we're always in the car..and like..when we reach port dickson, its raining hard...but still, we get to buy our beautiful new 500dragonhawk (kite>.<) in the rain. its been a tough day.
The best for me is bbq at home with "yoyo place" new creation. cheese on prawn, and mayonaise on prawn. SIMPLY DELICIOUS AND FATTENING!!!!
roti tissue is one of my favourite too..remember that night, when lin is depress and u quiet online and me shin-chan-ing..we decide to get roti tissue? and thats the night we sneak out..honestly, u both look............DAM FUNNY! maybe you guys wont feel that funny cause your not the one behind both of u..those bend ur body, hide behind the car, "get in the car quick", and drive off fast..its so funny for me..
red box was great! love it when we go crazy together..and together with charles..which so shy at the beginning than sing crazily at the end..
after you guys left..i just dont know what to say..sigh...dim lights's like the stressness come back day by day..and i didn't have mood for new year.
what's good about this few days are movie that entertaints me..lin and i been watching many good movies lately.. like
avatar, alvin and the chipmunks..
at home, we watch
my sister's keeper, thirteen, and inglorious basterd( this is superb!!!!!). tonight might watch public enemies..=D
hope to see the pictures soon xD
Poki forever!