
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Nasya the baby bird | 30th July 2011

Yay! the egg hatched! good job mommy bird! but the first that saw Nasya (means miracle) is not me. is my eldest uncle. he appear to be so calm so i did not believe him until i see for myself. eeww.. new born without feathers, and it looks like rat.. disgust me a little hahah but so happy to see it.

New-born are blind. but Nasya will automatically open up it's mouth when it feel something's on top. it's so dam cute.

so i made a video. just putting all the photos and vids together. have fun.

As for the other egg, it did not hatch for long time. not much hope already. but let's pray and not give up!! :')

before i end this post, let me show u the picture of the mother (Rudy). <-- rudy is the dinosour from ice age haha when we see the mother bird, we were making joke of this name to her..

too small isn't it? >.< i've been trying and trying and trying... but when she sees me she fly away, my mom stand in front of her she won't even move a bit.. i think... i have face problem >.<

Pei Yi

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