
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Parents & Work ~

It's been a long while since i last shouted at my parents. I never do. Because my patience to parents is so high that i can listen from left ear and detach from right ear.. or the system will block both ear canal.

I can't believe after so much calm days my shouting will be about colleague and work. i didn't wanna shout at all but both of them are nagging and one is raising his voice really high until i think i shouldn't keep quiet and let them know..i didn't backstab my colleague. If he is good, what ever i do won't hurt him at all.

In fact, as his head, his mistakes, lazyness and stubborn became my burden. i have one big boss, 10 other bosses pointing their arrows at me. Who to blame when the dead flowers are not removed? who to blame when the floor is dirty? who to blame when the newspapers are stacked high up to the air? not the staff! not the person who handles it. It's the person who handle the person who handles it!  <-- deep="" get="" i="" isn="" it="" mean="" nbsp="" p="" t="" what="">
i was so upset after all the shouting. i left. soon after i complained everything to my lovely sister, my mother came knocking the door. She told me that my dad support my decision whether to stay or to leave.

i had a bad day. since morning to night. everytime when my day is hard. someone came to say good words (caring words) i feel very touched. i did not cry. it's just..touched.. that's all..

the stress person should be me. i have a freaking long way to go~!(how i hope i'm 60 and married). Everytime my friend ask me why didn't i look for a boy to share my world i tell them my work and life is not stable yet as if i am a man. In fact, i couldn't bare the stress from two side.

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