
Saturday, May 23, 2009

Snowie knows nothing - Shooting

I thought i was gonna go out alone for a walk or something. and yeah...i woke up late..around 2 something. so i gave up papa rich, and subang parade's rock corner.

i open the door and first thing i see is snowie's innocent face xD so i was sister don't need her for shooting huh...OF COURSE...CAUSE IM NOT THERE!! but i never thought of that at that time.

then i was told to bring snowie to the park for shooting. i'm least im doing something something < (love saying tht) . instead of sitting alone in papa rich. i'm bringing snowie out.

that's the world best thing to do. i always want snowie to be in a film or shooting..

i was expecting something BIG!!!i mean my da jie's shooting..since its a big company..the shooting should be err...looks professional?hahaha...that's what i expect.

i reached the park asking myself "am i at the right place?". there's just few kids and 3 adult. no big crew..haha..!!

Snowie was given a big lye on the grass..perhaps I was given the big task..since im the one who train her hahaha...i have no confident at all. at the time my sister and her boss ask if i can make her lye..i told her that she'd jump..this and that..many confident at all..

one thing im sure bout snowie..if she's tired...she'd do anything i asked her to do. so i told everyone..let her run for a while LoL!!!and yep...she's weak like me hahahah....just 5 minutes..she's tired..i make her lye and she did it well..chewing the grass at the same time lol..

I'm Really proud of her..she did everything i asked her to do...i heard the cameraman said she's a billionair dog star...or sumthing like that...THANKS MR. WHO!! the same time im proud of myself...wohoo...i'm like a professional dog trainer..HAHAHAHAH!!!!

Big kiss for you snowie!!!

Just a few shots..everything's done!!!the boss left..and WOW!!!i can feel the gap between me and my sister asked me to fetch my neighbour brian asking "who's brian" sister nearly faint..hahahah...

i feel my sister's shooting is not well organize..they're thinking of idea at that very last minute. but i can't judge it now since it's not YET a post production..good luck to them then =)

now im dead tired..!!!so as snowie...and yeah!!i bath snowie and I CUT HER NAILS...MY GOD!!!THAT'S THE WORLD TOUGHESS JOB!!!AND IT MAKES ME CAPS HAHAHAHAH.......


before i really end this...i want to mention a little bout my lunch...all greens~~~sounds healthy huh...i cant get the pic here yet...but i will post it looks like pig food..really..and i only take a few bite..then leave it..i told my parents that it really looks like pig food hahahah...they're still thinking how shud we finish it...left alot there..

alright!!!Rest time?!?!

Tired and Happy me,

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